Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Trip to Japan's recycle shop

Most of today was spent in class practicing my Japanese. However today I did put aside sometime for exploration. Today's trip: the #2 recycle store. It started with a brief trip on one of Sapporo's big clean subways.

Afterwards me and a few friends went exploring in what we thought was Japan's goodwills'. Well we were in for a shock. Used junk for way more then you can imagine. Used jeans selling for 50-70 bucks usd. A friend of mine found a jean jacket selling for over $1000 usd. Not cheap! It wasn't long before we left in shock.

Some times you can find deals elsewhere, like my bike. But don't going looking for a deal at a recycle shop... because there is none!


*I noticed that the "Comments/Questions?" link was locked for "blogger member's only" Sorry about that. I unlocked it so hopefully you guys can leave a comment without having to sign up for an account.


Anonymous said...

It seems like the quest/comm is working ok. Go ahead and post 'em if you got 'em.


cristiona said...

You should think about selling your jean jacket.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'd like to figure out how to send stuff through either UPS or Fedex (that's here too). It'd be expensive but i'd make bank off of it. (in the store the jean jacket was 128,000 yen)