Monday, September 25, 2006


Beware the Japanese KAMI-KAZE-KOLD...!

If you've been following along you know that i've been under a tough cold that refuses to go. It's been traveling from the boy (kei) to me, then on to the Dad (June-chan), and now it's plaguing the mom (Na-chan).

The Japanese word for this cold is *"Kaze" (かぜ). However, this is a special cold that seems to attack you hard and quick, therefore I'm nameing this one *KAMIKAZE!!!!!! ("kami" originates from Shinto and means "god") or "god cold."

So far everyone, but the cat has it and Na-chan has it so bad that she couldn't cook tonight. I had to make a "Ma-ku-do" run for both me and Kei. Some of Na-chan's friends brought over some food, but I wasn't into it and neither was Kei.

Once it passes we'll be immune, but man while it's around it sure takes all the energy outta you.

~J out

ーーBlog Notesーー
*Kaze also means wind, but is spelled

Some of you might think "Kamikaze" refers to the Japanese Suicide Bombers from world war 2 and you are right. "Kamikaze" means a lot of things, but is orginally, an old word that dates back to the times of the Ghengis Khan. The story goes that when Ghengis Khan tried to invade Japan, a giant Typhoon hit Japan and killed most of Khan's invading army. A few years later, Khan tried a second time to invade Japan and yet another great Typhoon hit again and wiped out the second army. The Priests of their time took credit for raising the storms and called the two storms Kami (god) and Kaze (wind) or Great-wind from the gods. Many, many years later the Japanese Suicide Bombers used this word to describe their attack on America. Their point was that they were going to hit America like the great typhoons swiftly hit and wiped out Ghengis Khan's Great Army. History is great.... isn't it?

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