Monday, October 02, 2006

Cloudy and busy!

Welcome to October in Japan. The leaves are slowly dropping down earth colors of browns and oranges. The other day I felt a chilly draft go through the air. It was evident that winter is inching its way around here. The day time is a confortable 20 degrees (C), but night time is usually a drafty 14-16 degrees (C).

Here in Japan, costume stores in the train-stations are gearing up for Halloween. They do celebrate the event here on the 31st (tues). The costumes are somewhat simular too, except that there's costumes of some pretty scary gods or demons that are classic to the Buddhist sects. It all makes for one of those simular, but yet different kinds of events.

School is doing ok... It seems like just yesterday I was gearing up to go to Japan and it has already been nearly a month. Where does the time go? Today the school issued us our lunch money: 13,200 yen for the month. They told us that they thought 600 yen a day for lunch is fair. I guess so, for the most part I eat with everyone else in the lunch room. I've had my eye, however, on a cool ramen shop. Someday I'll head over there and get something cheap.

Right now I'm in study mode.. big test in a few days. Hopefully I'll make it through.

~J out


cristiona said...

good luck on the test

R3dragon said...

